Hebrew Inscriptions Found at Legion Miracle Site

Legion Miracle Inscription

Photo Credit: Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hebrew Inscriptions Found at Site in Kursi In the Galilee, at Kursi or the area called the Gadarenes, where the “Legion Miracle” of Luke 8:26-39 took place, the water level dropped and exposed 1600 year old Hebrew inscriptions at the entrance of an ancient synagogue. According to an…

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Explore Galilee: Where Jesus Taught the Parable of the Sower

galilee sea on Israel tour

Explore the authentic location in Galilee where Jesus taught the Parable of the Sower as you witness similar rocks and birds spoken of in the Bible passage. The Word can become more clear when you actually see where Jesus would have been as he taught and did miracles. In Galilee, the Parable of the Sower…

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