25 Top Bible Sites in Israel & Jordan

The sites in Israel and Jordan that you will encounter are unique and very in-depth.  Below is an outline on why this is one of the best Old and New Testament Biblical Israel tour you can take!

25 Bible Sites in Israel & Jordan

  1. City of David: Where you find the Ghion Springs, the Southern Steps and Archeological Park, Temple Mount, the Mt. of Olives and more.
  2. The Empty Tomb: Representing where Jesus rose from the dead on the 3rd day and where you can take communion and pray.
  3. Hezekiah’s Tunnels: Where you can go underground and see the tunnels spoken about in ll Samuel discovered in recent history.
  4. The Garden of Gethsemane: Where Jesus had gone with disciples and prayed, then was arrested and betrayed by disciple Judas
  5. Pilate’s Praetorium: Where Jesus was sentenced to death
  6. Hasmonean Palace: Wealthy Jewish quarters where Caiaphas interrogated Jesus
  7. Samuel the Prophet’s Home: Where he grew up
  8. Gibeon: Where the Lord Appeared to King Solomon before he built the Temple
  9. Emmaus: Where Jesus appeared to 2 disciples
  10. The scenic Aijalion Valley: Where Joshua prayed for the sun and moon to remain still
  11. Bethlehem: Where a place known as the “Christmas Cave” is located and believed to be linked to where Jesus and his family stayed. And, the church of Nativity.
  12. Magdala: Where you’ll find the oldest synagogue in Galilee
  13. Tiberias Springs-Hamat Gadar: A place Jesus visited and where today, you can soak in thermal pools and get massages
  14. Abraham’s Well: Where he set up his altar and heard from angels about Sarah’s pregnancy
  15. Caesearea Maratima: Where Paul departed from to Rome, escorted by many soldiers
  16. Hermon: Where Satan’s angels are believed to have fallen to earth
  17. Shiloh: Where the tabernacle rested and where ancient pottery remains can be examined
  18. Gerazim: Where the Samaritans are currently offering the blood sacrifice and see the mounts of blessing and cursing from the Bible
  19. Schechem: The ancient mound where Joshua renewed the covenant.
  20. Jacob’s Well: Where Jesus has a conversation with the Samaritan women.
  21. Bethany Beyond the Jordan: Where John the Baptist baptized Jesus.
  22. Ma’in: Where King Herod the Great would entertain and where you’ll stay at the Six Senses Spa and Resort
  23. Machaerus: Where John the Baptist was imprisoned and where Herodias (John’s enemy) lived and was presented with John the Baptist’s head
  24. Nebo: Where you can visit a site called “Aaron’s Tomb”
  25. Petra: A carved out city of prophetic importance. See the royal tombs and where sacrifices were done

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