Ephesus Bible Tour | Following the Footsteps of Paul

Visit Ephesus in Greece from a Biblical perspective! Visit the destination of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians and one of the Seven Churches of Revelation!
The Ephesus tour is a favorite on our “Footsteps of Paul” Cruise and will include in depth teachings on the state of the city of Ephesus during the time of Paul. In Acts 19:13-16 we learn that the city had become a center for magic and pagan rituals and that the Christian converts were so transformed that at one point they burned 50,000 pieces of silver worth of magic books and manuscripts. It was in Ephesus that the named spirits fled and many accepted Christ and went out from this place to other parts of Asia Minor.
On this Ephesus tour we will sit in the theater where Paul’s words from The Lord caused a riot to break out among those who profited by selling idols and pagan works of Artemis and her temple. Indeed from here “the word of The Lord grew and prevailed mightily”. The theater is our last visit as we leave this former city of 250,000 inhabitants. After walking through the expanse of the city and you see the size of the theater you will be able to imagine how God truly used Paul in this city. Join us!