Biblical Tour for the Mobility Impaired Could Be Your Chance to See Israel

Justin Peters tour for the mobility impairedOur unique Biblical tours for the mobility impaired will open the door for those who use a wheelchair to travel to Israel on a unique Christian journey.

Maybe you have dreamed of going to Israel for years, but life’s busyness got in the way. The years have passed, and now you feel like you missed your chance. Maybe getting around isn’t as easy as it used to be. Or you don’t want to hold other people back. Going to another country sounds overwhelming, if not impossible. After all, you assume there couldn’t possibly be a tour for the mobility impaired available.

If that’s you, we have a special tour to Israel designed with you in mind.

Biblical Tour for the Mobility Impaired

Justin Peters of Justin Peters Ministries is leading a unique tour, and since he uses a special chair, he has room for another to join the group on our bus that is specifically equipped with you in mind. Justin took his first trip with us last year and this year, we are using a bus outfitted for quick on/off which has access to the front entrances of all our stops.  It is really an amazing opportunity for the right individuals. This is also a great tour for seniors with limited mobility.

Imagine praise and worship on the Mediterranean Sea. Think about taking a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee – the same sea Jesus often crossed. You could travel down the Palm Sunday Road, envisioning as you go what it might have been like when Jesus rode a donkey down that same passage. You’ll visit the Pools of Bethesda for a private teaching.

These are all experiences that might have seemed out of reach before. They aren’t anymore.

We will have options as well for those who are able to wander further, so all our welcome. But if a wheelchair accessible tour to Israel is what would open the door for you to go, this is a rare opportunity for you.

Finally! A Wheelchair Accessible Tour!

If you still have the passion to travel to the Holy Land but need a little assistance in getting around, we are happy to help. These opportunities don’t come along often, if ever. So if you have any desire to go to Israel and see biblical sites first hand, this is your chance. You won’t hold anyone up or inconvenience your group. You won’t have to worry about getting into a place you might get stuck without help. Join Justin Peters as you visit the places Jesus walked and watch Scripture come alive before your eyes.

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