How the Apostle Paul Stopped in Cenchrea for a Haircut

the ruins of the harbor of Cenchrea

Following the journey of the Apostle Paul through the New Testament we see that Paul is known to have visited some of the biggest cities in the Roman Empire during his travels but one of the lesser-known places he stopped was the port of Cenchrea. Scripture tells us that this was the home of Paul’s…

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Thank You, Phoebe

Cencherea Beach Greece

Apostle Paul Visits Cenchrea The Apostle Paul and his companions visited Cenchrea after nearly eighteen months of ministry in Corinth, during the his Second Journey. He mentioned a woman named Phoebe in Romans: I commend to you Phoebe our sister, who is a servant of the church in Cenchrea (or Cenchreae) that you may receive her…

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Shipwreck and 4 Anchors | Footsteps of Paul

ShipwreckAnd4Anchors FootstepsOfPaul

Shipwreck! Apostle Paul Survives Exciting archaeological discoveries from Israel and across the ancient Roman Empire are continuing to confirm stories from the Bible. One such event is a shipwreck that left the Apostle Paul stranded on an arid and barren piece of land in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. This story of shipwreck is dramatic. Over…

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Paul’s teaching starts riot in Ephesus

Ephesus on Christian Tour

Merchants go berserk with the preaching of the Gospel Old news?  Yes, it was the headline in Ephesus over 2000 years ago. In the New Testament book of Acts it’s recorded that the Lord caused a riot to break out among those who sold idols and pagan works of the goddess Artemis. A group of…

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Mountainous beaches of Andriake, on Mediterranean Christian cruise

Antalya on Christian Cruises Turkey

The Best of Turkey on Mediterranean Christian Cruise Our Christian cruise stop at the lovely port of Antalya in Turkey allows us to visit more of the seaside areas where Paul reached Asia Minor and the important gateways to the Seven Churches of Revelation.  Our tour from Antalya also allows us to see Andriake, where…

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